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Restaurant Model

Class Restaurant

Represents a restaurant with its name and associated menus.

data class Restaurant(
val name: String,
val menus: MutableList<Menu> = mutableListOf(),
val id: Int = 0
) {
fun addMenu(vararg menus: Menu): Restaurant {
return this


  • name: String - The name of the restaurant.
  • menus: MutableList<Menu> - A list of menus associated with the restaurant.
  • id: Int - The unique identifier for the restaurant (default is 0).


  • addMenu(vararg menus: Menu): Restaurant - Adds one or more menus to the restaurant.


Creating a Simple Restaurant

// Restaurant
val restaurant = Restaurant("Dine")
// Insert to database

Creating a Complete Restaurant

// Foods
val chocolateCake = Food("Chocolate Cake", "Cake with chocolate ganache", 2.6)
val vanillaCake = Food("Vanilla Cake", "Vanilla cake with frosting", 2.5)
val chocolateIceCream = Food("Chocolate Ice Cream", "Rich chocolate flavor", 1.9)
val vanillaIceCream = Food("Vanilla Ice Cream", "Classic vanilla", 1.7)
// Menus
val cakesMenu = Menu("Cakes").addFood(chocolateCake, vanillaCake)
val iceCreamMenu = Menu("Ice Cream").addFood(chocolateIceCream, vanillaIceCream)
// Restaurant
val restaurant = Restaurant("Dine").addMenu(cakesMenu, iceCreamMenu)
// Insert to database